Praise (sort of) for Sad Stuff on the Street:

The bar isn't exactly high, but it is specific.
—The New York Times

A blog documenting the bric-a-brac normally ignored by city dwellers.
—The Huffington Post

Purveyors of modern gloom.
—The Rumpus


Welcome to Sad Stuff on the Street: the book. With submissions from around the globe and visitors from 103 countries, became the world's preeminent (pre-Instagram) hub for melancholy detritus. For over a decade (2009-2020), we specialized in doll heads, board game parts, and discarded birthday cakes. You brought us your tired, your poor, your single shoes…

And now comes a physical version of this universe of meaningful trash, designed by Todd Oldham. 100% of proceeds from this book go to The National Alliance on Mental Illness. Not “a portion.” Thanks to the generosity of Todd, Ammo and the contributors, it’s 100%. We have raised over 5,000 dollars thus far. We hope you enjoy our depressing offering! — Sloane and Greg